The Recruitment Process in Staffing & Contractor Management in NetSuite
This is the second post in a series of articles about the industry solution Staffing & Contractor Management in Oracle NetSuite by SuiteCorner.
Recruitment Process
This post focuses on the recruitment process around an assignment where resources/recruits need to be hired. You have been given a task by a client who wants you to help them find one or more resources. Below, we focus on candidates applying for the position and how you manage the process with them through various interviews and negotiations. In previous blog posts, you can read about what the assignment itself looks like and how you handle it. In other posts, you can then read about how you efficiently manage all the other sub-processes that occur in the assignments. Everything from time reporting and expense reporting on the assignments/projects to invoicing and self-billing (if the person works as a subcontractor from their own company).
Web Integrations
As we’ve described in previous posts, the assignments managed by you can be published on your website. This can be done either through complete solutions that we deliver or via integrations with existing solutions where you publish assignments. Some clients use their own custom-made web pages where assignments are published, while others use standardized tools for publishing such as Teamtailor or similar platforms. There are many different recruitment platforms available on the market to choose from. With NetSuite, external recruitment platforms are often not necessary because we can provide good basic functionality in this area. Sometimes there are existing recruitment platforms that are well-established, and there is no desire to replace them. Regardless of which websites you choose to use for publishing assignments, we can assist you with integration into NetSuite. With NetSuite as the backbone of the solutions, you can determine what should be published and when it should be published.
Comprehensive Solutions
The beauty of NetSuite is that we offer comprehensive solutions. Not just system support for managing assignments and recruitment. With NetSuite you have a complete business system that offers full management of Finance with Accounts Receivables, Accounts Payables, Group Accounting (if necessary), CRM, Time Reporting, Expense Reporting, Invoicing, Project Management, etc. It is not uncommon for us to encounter clients who have a multitude of different system solutions for different areas. With NetSuite, you get ONE system that handles all aspects for Staffing & Recruitment agencies!
Logging into NetSuite
When you log into NetSuite, the user is greeted with a dashboard where the most important functions are gathered. On the dashboard, a board (kanban board) is opened over the Recruitment Process. Here you will find all the candidates who have applied for the position on an assignment that you are currently working on.
Each column on the board represents a status in the recruitment process, and each card represents a candidate.
Start – Qualification
Under the “Start – Qualification” column, you’ll find newly incoming candidates who have applied for the position. Here, you qualify the candidates and select those you want to schedule for interviews.
First Interview Booked
Under the “First Interview Booked” column, you’ll find candidates where the first interview is scheduled. There are solutions available that allow the candidate to choose a time for the interview that suits them.
Second Interview Booked
Under the “Second Interview Booked” column, you’ll find candidates where the second interview is scheduled. Depending on how you choose to conduct your recruitment process, it’s easy to modify different steps in the process. If you’re not using a second interview, you can deactivate this column or rename the step/column to something else. You can modify the complete Board so that it fully meets your requirements.
Under the “Negotiation” column, you’ll find candidates where negotiation is taking place. Checking references and salary negotiation are common parts of this stage.
Chosen Candidate
Under the “Chosen Candidate” column, you’ll find the candidate or candidates selected for placement. Here, the work begins to draft various agreements that are sent out to the client or the candidates.
By dragging a candidate from one column to another, the status is automatically updated. Here, I’m moving a candidate from the “Start – Qualification” column to the “First Interview Booked” column. Different email notifications can also be triggered automatically when different statuses are updated.
With these Boards (kanban boards), the user gets a graphical interface and a very clear and visual overview of all candidates and how far you have progressed in the recruitment process with each candidate.
Filtering for the Right Assignments
The Boards has a filter section at the top left that allows you to quickly and easily filter candidates for different assignments: My assignments (where I am a salesperson/recruitment consultant) or a specific assignment. It’s also possible to build completely custom filters that can be either private or global, allowing other users to use the same filters.
On the card, you’ll find information about the candidate. The card has a minimized mode and a maximized mode to view less or more information about the recruit itself. It’s easy to switch between minimized or maximized mode.
Minimized Card
Maximized Card
You decide which fields should be visible about the candidate in minimized or maximized mode.
To see all information about the candidate, you can double-click on the card. This will open up all the information.
Those who have read previous blog posts about the Staffing & Recruitment module in NetSuite will notice that the workflow around assignments and the workflow around the recruitment process within assignments are quite similar. The Boards (kanban boards) differ in focus, where one board focuses on the assignment itself, and the board described above focuses on the recruitment process within a specific assignment.
Email or SMS
All communication with a candidate is essential, whether it’s mass communication to all candidates in the recruitment process or an individual email to a candidate. In NetSuite, there is a built-in email server for sending emails directly from NetSuite. Messages sent from NetSuite will have the sender you desire. That is, the sending email address can be easily controlled within the solutions.
If you send email messages from Office 365 or Gmail, these can be synchronized directly into NetSuite with solutions that we can provide. All communication to and from a candidate is visible directly on the candidate’s contact card, whether the message has been sent from NetSuite or an external email program.
You can open all communication that has occurred with a candidate directly on the candidate’s card in the Board over the recruitment process or on the contact card.
All communication that has occurred between you and the candidate is displayed in chronological order.
SuiteCorner has, in previous implementations of NetSuite, integrated with various types of SMS services. If you wish to send different types of SMS to candidates at different stages of the recruitment process, this can be arranged. This is something that we set up “case by case” as the needs usually vary greatly between different clients.
Here you can read more about the industry solution Staffing & Contractor Management for NetSuite.
In the next blog post, we will delve into contract management.
/Rikard Burman Holmgren CEO