Webinar - Accelerate the CRM in NetSuite

SuiteCorner is now launching a new round of free CRM webinars to assist NetSuite customers in getting started with efficient sales processes!
Maximize the use of NetSuite CRM
Having clear processes for how you work with prospecting, lead processing, driving the business through a pipeline and then taking care of the customer’s delivery and future support may seem obvious. But not all organizations have a clear picture of how this should be done and therefore lose both business and customers.
Since Daniel Remming started working with NetSuite in 2006, the CRM functions in NetSuite have been close to his heart. Together with the rest of the team at SuiteCorner, Daniel has accumulated extensive experience in this area and how it is best handled in NetSuite. We now want to share this with you. During this 1-hour webinar, Daniel will go through a carefully considered customer journey and at the same time show how different parts of the organization are involved to help your company become as successful as possible with NetSuite.