
Welcome reinforcement for SuiteCorners Marketing team!

So exciting that Linn is now part of the SuiteCorner team, a warm welcome!


Hi there!

My name is Linn, and I’m a Stockholm native with a creative streak and a passion for creating. I’m about to graduate in Media Technology, which feels like a major milestone in a journey filled with learning and growth. I’m a trained web editor with ten years of experience in the pharmacy industry, but my true strength lies in writing and visual communication.

I love writing texts that genuinely resonate and creating visual messages that leave an impression. For me, personal development is key – the magic happens when you dare to challenge yourself. When I’m not working on creative projects, you’ll find me in the swimming pool, in the forest with my dog, or on an adventure somewhere in the world. Traveling is my way of gathering inspiration and recharging my energy.

I’m really looking forward to starting my journey here at Suitecorner Solutions!


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